Sunday, May 06, 2007

It had to be told

So the peopele who bought the English school where I work originally came from an art school background, meaning that they are both art teachers and their first business was an art school. That means that they basically put all their effort into the interior decorating at the English school and none of it into, say, the listening lab they had promised everyone. This is the problem with being incredibly proficient at your job, my wife and I are totally taken for granted. It will be a sad day for them when we leave and they find that your average English teacher/manager will not stay late, will not do any unnecessary planning, and will not basically do their job for them, and, most worryingly, will likely not be a very good teacher.
Anyway, I am confronted with daily reminders that management care much more about what's on the walls than what's on the white board. Every day I come in to find a new piece of amateur-y artwork up on the wall and no work done on the listening lab. I tell you when I see schoolrooms in Afghanistan where there is nothing but a black board and a teacher I totally understand what it's like.
Anyway, the other day I came in to find what is certainly the most amateurish piece of work, but also the most disturbing, in a 'Who made this and why is it hanging on the wall?' kind of way.

Yeah, it's a picture of someone getting an injection in the can. Now that in itself is a little bit weird. First off many of the details are different from an actual injection room. Injection rooms typically don't have huge windows. I have rarely seen a bed in an injection room, and never been asked to lie fully face down to receive an injection. Typically the order is 'Lower your pants', the nurse gives you a few sharp slaps and shoves the needle in, pumps out its contents and you're done, and you didn't feel a thing.

This doctor is giving an injection while sticking his hand up the recipient's shorts. Just stop and look at it, like I am forced to every time I need to sharpen a pencil. Also note that someone has written the Korean word for 'whatevs', jeul (즐, or, if your can't read that, the English letters KIN turned 90 degrees clockwise) on top of the butt. With all of these glaring problems, how did this thing make the cut to go on the wall?

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Hahaha I can't believe you have to look at that every time you need to sharpen a pencil. That weird ass painting has left me speechless.